The Best Cream Soda in the World

How many cream sodas have you tried?

And do you have a favorite? It’s a tough question, and one I’ve recently decided needs an answer.

Cream soda is an underrated flavor. And while I’ll admit I’m not at all a big soda drinker, cream soda is my #1 go-to for holidays and special occasions. One day out of the blue I had a thought on what are some of the “best” cream sodas in the world? Is there a consensus? Has anyone a


So I got to Googling… “There’s got to be a ton of people who have covered this topic” I thought as my fingers got to typing. “There must be thousands of search results,” I said to myself. “There must be dozens of blogs and websites and youtube videos covering this topic…”

And there wasnt…

In fact if you google right now, “What is the best cream soda in the world?”, you’ll see that my initial youtube video, that I’ve only recently created, is the 8th result on Google. That’s crazy to me.

There was very little content specifically on Cream Sodas specifically, and which ones were the best, which seems out of this world. It seemed like a general enough topic that SOMEONE in the history of the internet must have covered. And yet, NOPE!

I was able to find a couple of simple lists, a few companies referencing their soda as, “the best” and a long since dead youtube channel about a guy who reviewed sodas, though not focused specifically on cream sodas.

So I decided, “Time to Fix this!” I created a quick youtube video outlining my plan in what I’m calling, “The Cream Soda Showdown.”

To try out EVERY cream soda in the WORLD (oooohh… epic…)

I’ll be posting videos on youtube to find out What is the BEST cream soda IN THE WORLD?

Join me on my journey to try out EVERY cream soda that exists! Each episode I’ll take two different cream sodas and go head to head to determine which moves on and which get’s left behind. Is there a cream soda you want me to try? Leave a comment below PLUS

I created a specific  “Cream Soda Showdown” Youtube Channel. Click here to subscribe.

Also check out my main youtube channel where I focus on building your brand, and the other occassional fun project 😉

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