Look for My First Trade

And the winning rock is #9 and the trades begin!

I think will be a pretty fun project to embark on over the next months, years, maybe decades, who knows🤔

I went out in the backyard and I picked up a bunch of rocks. Then I requested feedback and let you, my followers decide which rock would be, “The Rock.”🪨

I cleaned it up a bit and now we’re off to the races.🏁

Here’s my goal. I am going to take this rock and trade it for a house. No mortgage, no debt just a full ownership, title in hand of a house.🏠

I’m going to do this through a series of trades, trading the rock for something else, then that new item for something else, etc. Until I end up with a house.

I can do it. Yes I can. Watch me.👀

This idea is based on a project that a few people have done, probably the most famous one is called one red paper clip where a guy got a paper clip a red paper clip and he traded it over and over again and ended up with a house. There are others attempting this as well.

#1.  I thought this would be a fun challenge to try starting with something that’s even less valuable than a paper clip. Literally anyone could go out and pick up a rock from the yard.🏞️

#2. In these challenges everyone focuses on the “How” they’re doing it, which of course is important and interesting.

I thought it would be fun to focus on the, “Why?”

“Why” I am doing this is because I’d like to show that a free exchange of ideas and trades is absolutely possible.

That the idea of freedom and liberty means free minds and free people can exchange and barter without outside intervention or government control.🗽

I believe you should have the ability to do whatever you want with your life your liberty, or your property with absolutely no exceptions, except for one.

You cannot infringe on the life, liberty, or property of someone else.

So off I go… My goal is to trade a rock for a house. rock. Now attempting for trade #1.

Who wants to be a part of history?⏳

Any offers?😁

Do you want to exclusively follow along on my journey to trade from a rock to a house? It’s a project I’m calling, #BecauseLibertyRocks. Click here to get my occassional email on the #BecauseLibertyRocks project.

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